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Payment Buttons

Setup Instructions

  1. Firstly create a new website page e.g. payment_button.html and open the new page in a text editor.

  2. Copy all of the text in the blue section below;

<!-- NOCHEX Form / Payment Button -->
<form name="nochexform" method="POST" action="">
<input name="merchant_id" value="[Your Registered Nochex Email Address]" type="hidden" />
<input name="amount" value="[Amount]" type="hidden" />
<input name="description" value="[Description]" type="hidden" />
<input class="paybtn" style="padding: 10px; margin-left: 310px;" type="image" src="" alt="Pay using Nochex" />
<!-- NOCHEX Form / Payment Button -->
  1. Paste the copied section above into your new website page

  2. Replace the following [Your Registered Nochex Email Address] with your registered Nochex Email Address.

  3. Once replaced, update the [Amount] and [Description] values with the appropriate details.

  4. Save all changes, and open your website page in a web browser to test everything has been setup correctly.

To add your Nochex payment button onto other pages, copy the NOCHEX Form / Payment Button section then adjust the Amount, and Description fields.

Button Customisation

  1. Open your website page that contains the NOCHEX Form / Payment button in a text editor.

  2. Replace the payBtn URL (src field) with the location of your button image.

  3. Save all changes, and open your website page in a web browser to check your image is showing.


"I have setup the payment button and followed the instructions above however when I test the button in a browser I don’t go to my payment page, I go to a Send Money page."

  • Possible Reason: The amount field does not have a value or the email address that is on your payment button is incorrect.

  • Solution: Check you have an amount value, and the email address on your payment button is the same as your registered email address with Nochex.

"Are there any other fields that can be added to my payment form, for example: a link to a success page on my website after a payment has been made?"

  • Yes there is a wide range of fields readily available to use, and can be seen in our integration guide here.